Sunday, August 31, 2008


Labor day weekend will never be the same for me! It's been 1 year today since I was posting flyers in the neighborhood at 3am ,running around checking every Vet hospital and going to every local animal shelter to find brutice. A year has gone by and I still receive emails from dog lovers hoping he made it back home safe were he belongs!! sooo sad:-( really sad!
Thank you to everyone that has kept his search alive, I could'nt have done it with out all of you ! Expecially the little girl that called me and said" I seen a cute pug online at a the vegas Animal shelter ..I got all excited and went online to find out if it was brutice .. to bad it was a fawn female pug.. If I was closer to vegas I would have scopped her up!!

Hopfully a little ole lady is taking good care of him for me :-)
I pray every night and think happy thoughts!

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