Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I've been trying to lay low the last few weeks,keeping my foot elevated and icing it every 20 minutes or so hoping that my ankle will heal up soon!I'm still having a hard time putting any pressure on it!Gosh this sucks! I wanted to Thank you guys for all the get well wishes! I'm excited to get together with family & friends and endulge in some good home cookin! :-)I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

The past week has been rough for me! I sprained my ankle :-( I went to the doctors to make sure I only sprained it and didn’t do anything worse. My doctor said I have a severe sprained ankle and I should stay off my foot for a few days, well a few days has turned into over a week now! I was running up some stairs to fast and I slipped and fell, I'm stuck hobling around on cruches!! The last few nights I haven't been able to get a good nights sleep,it's been really painful. I hope the coming days it will get better,or else Im going to have to go back to the doctors on monday.Since I have some time off I will be working on site stuff and getting everything updated..
See me online stop by to say hi !!
Kisses vanessa